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Picture of Marsha Egan

Marsha Egan

Marsha Egan, CSP, PCC, is CEO of The Egan Group, Inc., Nantucket, MA. An ICF Certified Professional Coach and certified professional speaker, she is a leading authority on email productivity. She works with companies who want to recover lost time and money due to wasteful email practices. Her recently released book, Inbox Detox and the Habit of E-Mail Excellence is available on Amazon and on her website at
Picture of Marsha Egan

Marsha Egan

Marsha Egan, CSP, PCC, is CEO of The Egan Group, Inc., Nantucket, MA. An ICF Certified Professional Coach and certified professional speaker, she is a leading authority on email productivity. She works with companies who want to recover lost time and money due to wasteful email practices. Her recently released book, Inbox Detox and the Habit of E-Mail Excellence is available on Amazon and on her website at

Want To Change Your Email Culture?

Have you ever stopped to think about whether you are managing your email or whether it is managing you? Have you considered that question for your entire department or business? Is yours a positive email culture or a workplace drain? Easy Yet Difficult Taking control of your organization’s email culture is easy, yet difficult. Understanding the targeted behavior is easy, getting people to change behavior – even a little bit – can be the bigger challenge. This challenge is twofold. Getting everyone to buy in to having a productive email culture (And more difficult) – Working with them to change and

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10 Ways To Reduce Email And Reclaim Productivity

Email use is on the rise. Daily, people on all rungs of the corporate ladder, entrepreneurs, and those working from home complain about the number of emails they receive. They tell me how much work it is for them to handle and that just opening up the inbox stresses them out. But, instead of letting excessive amounts of email control you, here are 10 sure-fire ways to manage your email going out to reduce the numbers of email coming in. 1. Be very clear. By making sure that the content of your emails is very understandable, you can avoid people emailing

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