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Picture of Michael Moon

Michael Moon

Ms. Michael M. Moon, PhD, is a highly sought speaker on the topics of HR analytics, social media use in organizations, and employee engagement and is most passionate about helping organizations understand how to harness the connective power of technology in the workplace. Follow Michael on Twitter @mikemmoon or visit her website at to learn more about Michael's current projects.
Picture of Michael Moon

Michael Moon

Ms. Michael M. Moon, PhD, is a highly sought speaker on the topics of HR analytics, social media use in organizations, and employee engagement and is most passionate about helping organizations understand how to harness the connective power of technology in the workplace. Follow Michael on Twitter @mikemmoon or visit her website at to learn more about Michael's current projects.

Four Ways HR Can Support M&A Success

Merging companies requires thousands of worker-hours to integrate systems, processes and workforces, but scant time is spent understanding how well varying cultures will work together. From a strategic perspective, an acquisition or merger is typically a path to faster growth or market dominance. But the ability to achieve those goals is far from assured, as many deal makers have found over the years. In fact, the failure rate of mergers and acquisitions in many studies conducted over the past several decades show that the rate of failure is at least 50 percent, with one study finding that nearly 83 percent of organizations do

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Don’t Have an HR Technology Strategy? Four Tips for Building One

Michael E. Porter, Harvard Business School professor, author, and expert on competitive strategy defines strategy as “the creation of a unique and valuable position involving a different set of activities” (1996). A 2012 article published in strategy + business explains that strategy is, “the result of choices executives make on where to play and how to win to maximize long-term value.” Both definitions emphasize the importance of making decisions aimed at creating long- term value for an organization. Strategies exist at all levels of the organization; an HR technology strategy should be born of this and support the overall strategic objectives

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Technology as Enabler of 2016 HR Trends: Personalized Learning and Transparency

Recently, I published an article on some of the major disruptions happening in the workplace and the role that technology has played (is playing) in enabling or inspiring innovative HR programs. This article serves as an extension (or “Part Two”) to that piece: Technology: The Enabling Force Awakening HR as a Strategic Partner In 2016. After publishing that post, a healthy conversation ensued on Twitter about whether I was advocating that technology is what will enable HR to become more strategic. While I could see how one might come away with that interpretation, I want to make it clear that I

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Technology: The Enabling Force Awakening HR as a Strategic Partner in 2016

So if the 2014 word of the year was “Culture”, I am calling the HR word of the year for 2015 “Disruptive” (although technically it was just announced as “-ism”). With the full impact of the ACA set to take place in 2016, changes to OT rules, more companies making the decision to eliminate yearly performance reviews and the latest announcement from KPMG to ditch engagement surveys, I would say 2015 has been quite a “disruptive” year for HR. According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) the #2 trend that will impact the workplace in 2016 is “Trends

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Put the Employee Back in Employee Engagement

Last check, engagement was still the hottest buzz word in the HCM world. Ask ten different HCM professionals what “employee engagement” means, and you will likely get answers that include words or phrases such as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, happiness, discretionary effort, or “likely to recommend us as a good place to work.” Unfortunately, all too many organizations have strayed from the path. A look at just the twelve most popular engagement survey providers reveals wide and varied definitions of engagement – no wonder we are all so confused. The fact of the matter is that most “engagement” surveys either do

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