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Picture of Jeff Furst

Jeff Furst

Jeff Furst is the founder, president and CEO of FurstPerson, a provider of job candidate assessment tests, web-based hiring systems and analytics for companies that hire frontline service, support and sales employees.
Picture of Jeff Furst

Jeff Furst

Jeff Furst is the founder, president and CEO of FurstPerson, a provider of job candidate assessment tests, web-based hiring systems and analytics for companies that hire frontline service, support and sales employees.

Keep New Hires From Leaving In The First 90 Days

Employee turnover — especially in the first 90 days of a new hire’s tenure — costs organizations thousands of dollars per year. Think about it: you spend time and resources looking for the right candidate, hire the person you think will succeed, and lose money until that new hire is performing at 100 percent productivity. This can be especially frustrating in front-line industries like hospitality where, according to results from CompData’s 2014 edition of their annual BenchmarkPro Survey shared by Compensation Force, turnover in 2014 was 27.6 percent. When you’re losing one in four new hires, all the time and resources

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