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Picture of David Sturt

David Sturt

The New York Times bestselling author of Great Work: How to Make a Difference People Love, David Sturt began his career in market research, where he studied and analyzed the impact of recognition on people and their work. In the two decades since, he has researched and developed products and services that engage employees, inspire contributions, and reward outstanding results in organizations around the world. He regularly consults with Fortune 1000 company leaders and speaks at conferences such as Evanta, AMA, SHRM, the Gulf States Symposium, and TEDx. A weekly contributor to, he has been interviewed and quotes by the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Forbes, CBS Radio, Huffington Post, Human Capital, and other media outlets.
Picture of David Sturt

David Sturt

The New York Times bestselling author of Great Work: How to Make a Difference People Love, David Sturt began his career in market research, where he studied and analyzed the impact of recognition on people and their work. In the two decades since, he has researched and developed products and services that engage employees, inspire contributions, and reward outstanding results in organizations around the world. He regularly consults with Fortune 1000 company leaders and speaks at conferences such as Evanta, AMA, SHRM, the Gulf States Symposium, and TEDx. A weekly contributor to, he has been interviewed and quotes by the Wall Street Journal, MSNBC, Forbes, CBS Radio, Huffington Post, Human Capital, and other media outlets.
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